We service all areas of Perth.
The area which today comprises the suburb of 'Churchlands' was originally granted to Henry Trigg in 1831. In September 1891, this area was acquired by the Roman Catholic Bishop of Perth, the Right Reverend Matthew Gibney. Gibney was far-sighted in his acquisition of land for the Church, and this area became known as 'Church Lands' as a result of it being owned by the Church. The City of Perth referred to an area just south of here as 'Churchlands' as early as 1924.
City Beach
In 1917, the Perth City Council purchased the Lime Kilns Estate of 1 290 acres, situated between the Endowment Lands and the city, thus linking the city with the ocean beach. The council proposed to lay out an up-to-date seaside town near the ocean beach on garden city lines, embodying approved town planning principles, and making ample provision for recreation purposes. By 1928, the council had allocated finance to commence work, and also referred to the beach as 'City Beach'. It appears this name developed because it was an area developed by the city council and much more acceptable than 'Ocean Beach'.
In September 1886, the Commissioner of Crown Lands, John Forrest, announced his intention of subdividing an area of Crown Land between Perth and Fremantle into suburban lots and asked His Excellency, Governor Sir Frederick Napier Broome, to suggest a name. The Governor suggested 'Cottesloe' on 21 September after "the title lately bestowed on a member of the Fremantle family". 'Cottesloe' was named after Thomas Francis Fremantle, Lord Cottesloe. First Baron of Swanbourne (in 1874), the older brother to Captain Charles Howe Fremantle who, on 2 May 1829 raised the 1st British flag at Fremantle.
The eastern portion of the present suburb of Dalkeith was originally Swan Location 85 of 320 acres, assigned to Adam Armstrong in 1831. Armstrong, a widower, arrived in the Colony aboard the 'Gilmore' with his six children in 1829. Prior to coming, he was the manager of the Earl of Dalkeith's estate in Scotland and when he erected a cottage in 1833 on his land, he named it 'Dalkeith Cottage' and raised goats and horses on the property. The Aboriginal name for the place where this cottage stood was 'Katamboordup'.
East Fremantle
This suburb name is a descriptive name as the area is situated east of Fremantle. East Fremantle was declared a municipality (comprising the old Fremantle suburbs of 'Plympton' and 'Richmond') on 2 April 1897.
East Perth
Another descriptive name, this was being used for the suburb from at least the 1880s. It was approved as a bounded suburb in 1954.
Named after Captain Charles Howe Fremantle who arrived at the Swan River Colony on 2 May 1829, on the HMS 'Challenger'. Fremantle had been despatched from the Cape of Good Hope on the 20 March of that year, by Commodore Schomberg of the Indian Squadron, and after anchoring off the mouth of the Swan River, hoisted the British flag on the South Head, and took formal possession in the name of His Majesty King George IV, of "all that part of New Holland which is not included within the territory of New South Wales". The name Fremantle has, at times, and in various records been incorrectly spelt as 'Freemantle'.
Mosman Park
The area of this suburb was first named "Buckland Downs" on a map of the Colony drawn in London in September 1832. This name is thought to have been bestowed by Governor Stirling to honour William Buckland, a noted geologist and later Dean of Westminster. The highest point in the district was named Buckland Hill, and this name was adopted for the locality. However, when a railway station was opened in 1895, it was named Cottesloe Beach and this name was also used for the locality. The Buckland Hill Road District was gazetted in 1899, was changed to Cottesloe Beach in 1909, Buckland Hill again in 1930, and then Mosman Park Road District in 1938. The suburb was officially named Mosman Park at a meeting of the Executive Council in 1937, the name being derived from the adjacent Mosman Bay on the river. The bay was named in 1907 when the Public Works Department constructed a jetty on the river here. It was named after Mosman in Sydney, the birthplace of R J Yeldon, a Road Board member 1901-05 and 1908-09.
Peppermint Grove
The area now known as Peppermint Grove was originally owned by John Butler, and Keanes Point was once known as Butlers Hump. For many years the Peppermint Grove property, which received that name from the groves of peppermint trees natural to the area, was the scene of picnics when crowds of upto 400 travelled by steamers from Perth. In December 1890 the land was closed to picnickers by a Perth syndicate who subdivided the estate, and used the name Peppermint Grove to promote the land.
Queens Park
Queens Park was formerly known as Woodlupine. In 1911 a girl was raped and murdered here, and local residents and authorities, not wishing to jeopardise development of the area, had the name changed to Queens Park. The name is said to honour Queen Alexandra, wife of King Edward VII.
It was in 1851 that WA's Benedictine community moved from Guildford to an area near Lake Monger they named New Subiaco after an Italian town about 33 miles from Rome in the Sabine Mountains. The 'New' was dropped when the Perth - Fremantle railway was opened and a station provided for the convenience of the monastery. The land in the suburb was first developed by the government in 1885.